Sunday, November 7, 2010


I don't know pretty much anything about Kirby but when I look at pictures of him I think he is a pink marshmallow. Kirby the game looks pretty violent  to me, I' m just saying. I mean you just eat up the guy and then you spit them up into stars. there is a person in my class that likes Kirby so much that he wrote a whole three page essay. Is Kirby a he/she/it?

Kirby seems to be a really cool game but I need to check up on that. Well you see Kirby's Epic Yarn you look like you are made out of cloth.
Kirby Epic Yarn.png
There is a Kirby game coming out called Kirby's Epic Yarn. Huh good luck with epic (no offence.)
I don't have a problem with Kirby  I even want to play it but it seems kind of weird and is not a game that should be epic. I also don't get what is happening in that picture above. In the picture above it shows that Kirby is on an eye which has turbos I mean what is this Diesel and Death. There was also a picture I wouldn't exactly say 'friendly.'

Meta Knight
Meta Knight is a character from Kirby and you can guess from the name what he is. Yep, you guest it a  mini-sized gorilla knight. He is pretty ordinary for a knight except for the feature that was added to him by the creators of Kirby. He would be pretty easy to step on without knowing.You see right now I am getting confuse because I don't exactly know much about Meta Knight and i just think that there are a lot of Meta
Knights. There is just one more thing I just figured out. Meta Knight has bat wings.

King Dedede
Let's just make this simple. King Dedede is a penguin version of Thor. I mean he is a chicken with a red velvet jacket and hammer. Even his hammer is strange the part where he smashes his opponents looks like a barrel. Apparently he is also the archenemy of Kirby, I see why. King Dedede also has some strange special attacks such as shooting missiles, making flames and many more. Seriously didn't anyone tell him that playing with fire is dangerous and not to do it. There is just so much to know about him. When I first saw him I thought he was a chicken but I guess I was wrong after reading something.   

Prince Fluff
Now this gut looks like Kirby except a lot more triad. The only game he comes in is Kirby's Epic Yarn. Well according to some website he is the prince of some random place called Patch Land. He and Kirby are actually an alliance unlike King Dedede. The prince is pretty much Kirby. He has the same attacks and they look pretty much like each other.

Prince Fluff.jpg
Question of the Day: Have you ever seen a dictionary with a glossary. 

1 comment:

  1. Man I need to make some more humour.I can make my bro laugh but not this time.
